TEJ Project Workshop in Dead Sea – Chamber of Commerce
Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015
Venue: Dead Sea - Conference room, 1st floor
A workshop for TEJ project was conducted by Chamber of Commerce in Dead Sea, on June 6, 2015. The workshop started by a welcome message from rom the Engineer Hisham Qattan from Jordan Chamber of Commerce followed by a speech from Prof. Walid Salameh that states the following project potential outcomes:
• TTO network establishment.
• TTO website at each partner institution.
Several issues were discussed regarding the relation between industry and universities that is fostered when university researchers and companies have the possibility to know R&D technological challenges and skills presented by Dr. Mohammad Jaffari from IPCO
Then a presentation from Mrs. Hanna Iraide (Director of JEDCO) about the services offered by the Ministry of Trade and Industry which is an integrated model of analysis of companies’ technological needs as well as a follow up and support in joint proposal preparation.
After that Mr. AbdulMajeed Shamlawi from Owasis 500 offered a presentation about the analyses of the socio-economic environment and the purpose of collection information from business associations, business webs, industry publications, sector webs, sectorial fairs (list of exhibitors), market research subscriptions where the answers can be provided to match research competencies and companies demand.
Mr. Mohammad Refai from Jordan Chamber of Commerce highlight the local funding opportunities for start uppers. Mentioning what is missing from the proposal of the applicant (i.e. plan your actions, where are we now? where do we want to be? And how do we get there).
Dr. Tayseer Ofishat spoke about what do you want to achieve with whom by when, within which budget; and how will you do that (strategic & creative direction) in order to get is success.
Finally A presentation by Engineer Mohammad Abu Afifeh about the mission to be accurate, focus and should include promote research, education and transfer of knowledge to the benefit of society which mean promote and sustain competitiveness of research at the national and international level, by increasing its value and impact, as well as collaborative research and innovation projects.